Insight Outreach takes its Research and Analytics seriously. The agency takes the pains to gather ground level data be it Tier 1 or Tier 2 cities or villages. Extensive studies are conducted on consumer behavioral patterns and varying cultural practices before diving into the brand campaign.
Shenoy Hospitals Our Baby event
Shenoy Hospitals is a complete family multi-speciality hospital established in 1963. They have been our client for eight years now.
Since its inception, many babies have been delivered in the hospital. The client wanted to invite all the people born in the hospital and hold a special event for them.
Objective: Our objective was to promote the event digitally and obtain 200+ individual walk-ins, from their specific Shenoy Baby Audience Pool Only
Process: We ran paid ads on Social Media and Google Search targeted to these individuals inviting them to register for the special event
Achievement: With an initial goal of obtaining 200 walk-ins for the event, we surpassed the number by successfully obtaining 600 confirmations, of doctors, babies, parents and families, out of which 400 individuals attended the event.
Sanjeevan Netralaya Lead Generation
Sanjeevan Netralaya is one of India's leading advanced AYURVEDIC RETINA CARE CENTERS. They have 4 centers in Hyderabad.
Objective: The client wanted BigBears to generate at least 20 leads per day
Process: BigBears had run a highly targeted 360-degree digital campaign post-COVID 19, using tools like Colombia ad network, with INR 1000 per day over a period of 6 months
Achievement: BigBears had generated 100-120 leads per day, approx 1000 leads p.m. 3-4x the expected outcome, by spending only INR 300,000 per month
Dermiq Pre-launch Social Media Ad Campaigns
Dermiq is a personal hygiene care clinic.
Objective: Prior to its launch, the task at hand for BigBears Social Media team was to generate leads/bookings for the client.
Process: Running highly targeted paid social media campaigns of INR 5000 per month over the period of 6 months (coinciding with the launch and post-launch)
Achievement: By spending only INR 30,000 on social media ads, we could generate bookings worth INR 7.5 lakhs. 3X of the expected outcome!